New Downtown Store ‘Tatted Toy Guys’ Offers Vintage Toys, Modern Collectibles

A new toy store featuring vintage toys and modern collectibles has opened in downtown Elizabethtown.

The Tatted Toy Guys celebrated a grand opening at 50 South Market St. with a ribbon- cutting ceremony performed by the Elizabethtown Area Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Sept. 13. The open house event featured live music from Occasions Disc Jockey, Hors d’oerves were served by Food for Thought Catering, Disney Pin Trading and more.

The Tatted Toy Guys is an Elizabethtown-based vintage to modern collectable toy store featuring new and used toys from the 1970s to today. Toy lines such as Heman, She-ra, Thundercats, Care Bears, Rainbow Bright, Pound Puppies, My Pet Monster, My Buddy, Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fisher Price, Garfield and lines like
today’s Imaginext and Littlest Pet Shop and many more. They also have a “Wish List” for items collectors are looking for that they do not have yet in the store.

The company is owned by Clint and Tony Gibble, owners of Tony Gibble Photography for the past 11 years, having been collecting toys for some time. They often wished there was a store that they could go to and actually “see” their childhood toys before purchasing them for their own collections. Hence the vision was born for The Tatted Toy Guys, a nickname given to them while on their toy hunting journeys.

The Tatted Toy Guys is a place where memories can be relived, shared and collections can be made.

Store hours vary because of commitments made for the owners’ wedding photography business. Anyone who wants more information about The Tatted Toy Guys may visit their Facebook page or text 717-615-7165.

etownadvocatePosted onPosted onSeptember 19, 2019

Image Title, 2017

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Tony Gibble